Envie d’etre beta-testeur pour ChaosGroup ?
Phoenix est un projet de gestion des Fluides signé ChaosGroup.
Je cite : « Phoenix Fluid Dynamics is a fast and realistic fluid dynamic system. This new development perfectly combines a grid base simulator with an outrageous rendering to completely respond to the 3D artists needs. Besides the usual uniform fluid behavior, Phoenix simulates some additional processes, like pressure decay, thermal radiation cooling , and mass-temperature dependence. This product promises a lot in terms of simulation times and quality of final production and will become a complete solution for simulation of fire, smoke, and haze because of your contribution to the Phoenix beta program.
Become a beta tester and be among the first to experience the capabilities and great features Phoenix has to offer you. Exceptional and unique features are available for the V-Ray for 3ds Max users. »
Alors ? testeur ou pas ?
Non… Jsuis deg! Et toi?
non ! idem je suis deg…j’aurai bien aimé jouer avec ….va falloir attendre..